The Rotary Club of Asheville is a service club of engaged and passionate members who desire to do good in the community and world while honoring shared ethics and core values as described in the 4-way test. How do we do this? Take a look at our Strategic Plan.
Service with An Impact!
Our club works hard to make a difference in our community and internationally. CLICK HERE to learn more about more than 20 projects that combine dollars and sweat equity to improve our community and world!
CLICK ON THIS LINK to watch an inspiring video of Asheville High Interact Club members describing the impact of their service projects on the community and themselves. The Interact Club is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Asheville.
The Rotary Club of Asheville is a group of active, engaged citizens interested in making friends, building relationships, and giving back to our community. Come check us out at one of our weekly meetings--no reservation is necessary. You can CLICK HERE to download a membership brochure. Questions? Email our club secretary.
CLICK HERE for a map of parking options at our meeting location.